Schmidt Inc

Northdown Whole Cone Hop (100g Pack)

Bred at Wye in 1970 from Northern Brewer and related to Challenger and Target. Medium level alpha and an appealing aroma profile make it an ideal dual-purpose hop. Aroma tends to fresh, floral pine but with a berry-like richness.

Makes a very good dual purpose and background hop across a wide range of Ales and Lagers. Berry notes are particularly effective in Mild, Old Ale and Barley Wine, Belgian Dubbel, Porter or Stout. May also suit Bock or Dunkel lager.
Alpha w/w
7.5 - 9.5%
Beta w/w
4.4 - 6.2%
24 - 29% of alpha acids
Total Oils mls/100gm
1.2 - 2.2

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