Schmidt Inc

East Kent Goldings Whole Cone Hop (100g Pack)

Developed from wild Canterbury Whitebine variety in late 1700's, the quintessential English aroma hop. Pale golden-green cones ideal for late aroma hopping in Copper and post-fermentation. Aromas include gentle orange and grapefruit notes, with floral lavender and thyme.

Widely used and to great effect in many of the paler British Bitters, Pale and Blonde ales and ESB's. Also effective in Belgian Blond and Tripel styles, Saison, Kölsch and lighter Lagers.
Alpha w/w
4.0 - 6.5%
Beta w/w
1.9 - 2.8%
28 - 32% of alpha acids
Total Oils mls/100gm
0.4 - 0.8

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